Monday, March 30, 2009

Principles of CODAC Based Communism

Principles of CODAC Based Communism

1.) All people are entitled by very nature to equal treatment (as we are all one species separated by no biological partition) and as such equal distributions of services, goods, opportunity, and life necessities.
2.) Capitalism creates inherent inequalities in the distribution of resources and services, which leaves a weak majority without opportunity. Capitalism and its unit, money, should be eliminated in favor of freely available services and goods.
3.) Governments are assemblages of the powerful (in modern society, the wealthy who are the powerful). Therefore, they create inequalities against the proletariat and in favor of the powerful. Governmental organizations do not serve the People as they should. They should be eliminated under CODAC communism.
4.) The corporation is the most powerful institution in existence today on the basis of its power over the people (wealth and control of goods and services). As it is inequitable in its treatment of individuals, it should be replaced with another institution.
5.) The corporation (manifestation of capitalism), should be replaced with worker governed organizations to produce freely available goods and services (including social services) for the benefit of all in equality (as per Principle One).
6.) Freedom of speech, of choice, of action, and of lifestyle should not be restricted by any agency or persons. However, neither should such personal freedom be a tool of some to infringe on the equality and rights of others. As a regulating mechanism to ensure freedom and liberty but also justice, determination of Denial of Services and Goods for criminal persons should remain the collective right of all members of a CODAC in agreement.

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