Sunday, May 10, 2009

I feel like a failure sometimes when it comes to communicating in an LDR. Especially when it comes to trying to comfort my partner when she is down. :-(

Screaming Maniacs Everywhere shrill, so binary, so simplistic in theoretical thinking that I find myself questioning your viewpoints regardless of my true feelings about them. Wake up! Open your eyes! The world is not black and white, it is shades of gray!!!!

The Welfare State and Anti-Capitalist Libertarianism (ACL)

ACLs recognize the role that inherent social stratification and capitalism plays in inequality to resources. The ideal ACL system is the moneyless, CODAC, and/or CPO supported system (described in previous entries) in which social justice is ensured through the elimination of the modern capitalist system and the overbearing government. To the end, ACLs such as myself advocate governmental libertarianism and a non-capitalist productive system. But as long as modern capitalism exists and CPOs, CODAC organizations, or what have you do not have sufficient resources to exist as a counterpoint to capitalistic and governmental institutions, should the welfare state and/or government social programs exist as a counterpoint to capitalism? Yet government is inherently flawed when it comes to reinforcing the negative social patterns prevalent in today's socioeconomic system. This is the fundamental dilemma of ACLs in the present day. Perhaps this dilemma is solved by focusing all of efforts on the achievement of the ideal ACL system, for if we use government as a crutch, we become what we seek to defeat. But what about those denied by the socioeconomic system who need support? What should they do before the achievement of the ideal ACL system? I suppose it must come down to the lesser of two evils. At least government systems do not exist for the most part for profit but to provide services although they do extract a cost in social stratification by reinforcing the prevailing patterns of class restriction...

Saturday, May 09, 2009

American Libertarian Socialist Party (ALSP)

Although the ideology closest to my heart is a brand of libertarian communism driven by Cooperative Productive Organizations (see previous entry), perhaps a transitory system that could be implemented in the United States could be a modified form of libertarian socialism (a socialist state with a libertarian government, definitions will vary). This system could be advanced by a political party (ALSP) that would compete with the two established parties. It could advocate personal libertarianism including personal choice, drug legalization, gun rights, property rights, and other planks associated with social libertarian platforms but recognize the role that capitalism plays in inequality and injustice. Because of this, it could regulate corporations heavily (but stay largely out of non-corporate businesses provided they do not infringe upon the rights of others) and create independent, nationalized nonprofit entities to act as counterpoint against capitalism. For instance, it could provide a national healthcare service and a national university system. It could also offer other productive services to its citizens. The workers of each unit could democratically control their unit. Discuss... (sorry for the poor writing quality).

Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Productive Service Organizations

Cooperative Productive Organizations (CPO) are similar to my previous concept of CODAC based organizations, however they are more subtle in operation. First and foremost, CPOs exist solely to provide services for the greater good and to all people in equality. They seek to eliminate some of the most pressing issues created by the evils of modern government, capitalism, and ingrained social injustice through the cooperative, altruistic efforts of volunteers. CPOs do not necessarily openly advocate a new order for society and government (or the lack thereof), but rather seek to gradually change the systems through the provision of services. For instance a CPO might provide the essential service of medical care by operating clinics and even medical schools all for the greater good of the People. Another CPO might organize independent farmers to provide a sustainable food source and distribution system. Still another CPO might run multiple divisions or service providers. In short, the CPO seeks to be a non capitalist alternative to corporatism and government. It is hoped that people would no longer become reliant on the latter institutions by use of CPO services.

  • CPOs are run entirely by their contributors. CPOs are formed by like minded individuals and governed by elected, immediately recallable councils of contributors and when possible, direct vote by all of the contributors.
  • CPOs never engage in capitalist concepts including trade; they exist solely for the good of the People. As such, one of their unwritten goals is to forward the concept of the moneyless, gift based economy.
  • CPOs embrace principles of nonviolence and anti-authoritarianism. They will not exist to have government like powers.
  • CPOs provide for all of the People in equality. They shall never discriminate or engage in unfair, unjust, or unethical action.
  • CPOs will protect the rights of all the People.