Monday, March 30, 2009

Libertarian Communism Through Service Organizations

Libertarian Communism Through Service Organizations

Government has repeatedly failed the proletariat as a buffer against the bourgeois capitalists and power hungry fascists. Furthermore, it has failed as a vanguard, instead succumbing to the siren song of power and corruption. The capitalists and the resource hungry continue to exploit us. It is time for a new paradigm beyond government. Maybe government has the function of providing law and order, but even that should be questioned. All individuals must be able to do as they please provided it does not infringe upon the rights of others.

On power: even now as I type this, I feel the drive of power that those who feel impotent in the face of events feel. Yet this must be resisted as must violent revolution. How would violent revolution be any better for the People as a whole than the violence foisted upon us now? In the past, violence by revolutionaries has been justified by being for the cause of a people. But if we seek to bring about a better future for all of the People, how is violence against some of the People going to help? Violence begets a whole slew of human rights abuses and crimes. And again I ask how would our violence be any better?

The cohesion and collective adrenaline for a cause of revolutionary forces is quite tempting for those who desire change. It is for me. But it must be resisted. Change must come about through service and example not death and destruction. To do the latter makes our cause no more worthy than so many violent causes before us. We must be above violence, we must not succumb to its seductive call.

Again, I feel service and activism is the future for the cause of the libertarian communists. Through service, we can make the future better for the People. Through activism, we can advance our ideals.

We can give and advance through service by the creation of goods and services communistic organizations through which the producers govern. All the People shall benefit from these organizations in equality.

We can advocate our position through participation in the current political system in an attempt to change, reduce, and perhaps eliminate it. We can advocate our ideals through grassroots campaigns among the People. We can advocate our cause through public demonstration. And I have just run of compositional steam, that didn’t last long…

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