Friday, February 17, 2017

Another boring day near the Bay. The rain pours down from the sky, clouds gray, low, shrouding the enormous white sign on the hill nearby that proudly reads "South San Francisco The Industrial City." It's been awhile since I've done the free writing thing that this blog is a pitiful tribute to (whoops, I already ended a sentence with a preposition). Boredom has reared its ugly head again and along with it self analysis and overthought. It seems that boredom is almost a depressive cycle for me: lack of stimulation, followed by boredom, followed by lack of motivation which causes even more boredom... Yet something builds in my heart. I yearn to do SOMETHING, ANYTHING. So, I decide to write. Writing has always come naturally, but the ideas haven't always. When I was younger, I wrote whenever, whatever. But like the California drought, the past ten years have been relatively barren.

My life has been rather comfortable and lacking of any serious problem. A series of jobs and "career oriented thought experiments taken too far" have lead to almost truly an existential crisis of sorts. I spend most of my days sitting in an unfamiliar California city that has become too familiar waiting for my job that I convince myself is my dream job to call me in to work. So hopefully this post is just the first of many in a more productive way to spend my time. I have decided that I don't really write for an audience, but that having a blog is a good way to keep my writing alive instead of forgotten on an old computer hard drive somewhere...